Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Blog #7 "Chapter 12 & Chapter 15" Silence & Notes.

Applying the mind to acquiring knowledge can be extremely challenging. Especially if you are in a environment where there are many distractions such as television, internet, and cell phones usage. My study habits were undeniably poor, and I was easily distracted by myspace, youtube, facebook, and now twitter. However, the moment my reality set in, there has a sudden change. I realized that you have to work hard if you want to live the quote on quote "GOOD LIFE" more money, food, close, cars, and more options. With that being said, I relocated from Harlem NYC, to New Jersey, to an environment where I can study more with less distractions. I found both chapters 12 and 15 to be exceedingly useful. These two chapters, taught me more about myself. I learned to accept responsibilities, and not denying myself but applying myself. From this moment on, I'm going to have a "start and finish time" for all my homework assignments, so that way, I can get my work done, and still have time to enjoy my life. My life is my purpose for coming to college and there for, my life will be the purpose of why I must study to gain and obtain the success that I desired. I've always been a great listener, so chapter 15 and I clicked very well. smiles. With no intentions on sounding oblivious, I find this book called "College Rules" to work for me like a manual to life. It keeps me focus, and constantly improving my work habits. At this moment, I am now developing the mind frame of a winner, and I will continue to do everything in my power to excel and NOT fail. "If it don;t make progress, then it don't make sense"

P.S Checkout my video called "Tru Skool Anthem" This video was created to motivate and inspire children to stay focused in school, and chase there dreams.

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Marvin "Marv Milly" David

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